Flex Capital - Company Video

Client: FLEX Capital
Type: Corporate Video
Place: Berlin, Mitte
Use: Website, Social Media

Intro Company Video logo flex capital

FLEX Capital is a Private Equity Fund for profitable and growing companies specialised in the German Internet and Software Mittelstand. It was founded by a team of successful entrepreneurs and investors.


Looking to relaunch their website, the company team wanted to include a company video and portrait videos of the six managing and general partners. The desired setup was to film within one day the 6 partners with two cameras.

Partner Video Investor interview
Behind the scenes Multicamera Setup Company Video

In one meeting room, I set up the two cameras and the light pack for each interview. A challenge was here to diversify the background while staying in the same room. As the script was well organized, the post-production was relatively quick.

Click here to see other similar examples in my portfolio.


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