Women and Wealth Summit 2018

Client: Mind the Gap (MtG) e.V.
Type: Event Video
Place: Berlin
Use: Social Media, Website

women and wealth summit website

On the 15th September in Berlin, took place the Women and Wealth Summit 2018, organized by Mind the Gap.
Between Keynote Speeches, Panel discussion and Workshops, the goal of the 110 attendees was to demystify finance.


“A journey to financial freedom and empowerment”. Used for advertising it on internet, we created 2 videos. This short 30 seconds one and a longer 2 minutes and 30 seconds one.

Event Video at the 2018 Women and wealth summit

Present the whole day, I used one camera and walked through the venue, capturing the best moments. The result is a 38 seconds video. We also developped a longer version that you can watch here.
Other examples in my portfolio.


Travaillons ensemble !


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